What: Fields made of round stones that are similar in size
How: Waves and sea ice grind stones and small boulders against each other, which gives them their round shape. At the same time waves wash away sand and other fine materials. Cobble fields comprise a wide variety of rock types because many of the stones were carried a long way by the inland ice. Because of the land uplift you can find cobble fields on dry land far from the shoreline.
Where to see: The largest cobble field in the High Coast is located at Bådamalen in Norrfällsviken nature reserve. One of the world’s and the High Coast’s highest located cobble field at 275 metres can be found at Högklinten. The Kvarken Archipelago has cobble fields for example at the outer islands of Norrskär and Mickelsörarna.
Fun fact: Cobble fields are called Devil’s fields in Finnish, because people could not cultivate them. So the rocky fields were clearly made by the Devil.